15 de gener 2024

La mort i la donzella

Marianne Stokes, 1908, Death and the Maiden

Què us suggereix aquesta pintura?

Què ha suggerit a... (5 propostes)

8 comentaris:

  1. Bon any !!.
    Aquí us deixo el meu petit relat ;)
    Salut !!.

  2. Ja tinc el meu!


  3. Bon dia!.
    AQUÍ vos deixo el meu.

    Moltes gràcies!!.

  4. I també el meu: https://carmerosanas2.blogspot.com/2024/01/relats-conjunts-de-gener-la-mort-i-la.html

  5. I just read Paula`s good story about this famous picture! Kudos!

    Strangely, I was immediately reminded of a completely different story: Somerset Maugham's "Appointment in Samara", and I thought you might like to read it. Voilà:

    "A merchant in Baghdad sent his servant to the market to buy some provisions. A little while later, the servant returned looking white in the face. In a trembling voice he said, "Just now in the market place I was jostled by a man in the crowd, and when I turned I saw it was Mr. Death. He looked at me and made a threatening gesture. Please lend me your horse, because I want to go to Samara where Mr. Death will not be able to find me." The merchant agreed and lent the scared man his horse. The servant mounted the horse and rode away as fast as the animal could gallop. Later that day, the merchant went down to the market place and saw Mr. Death standing in the crowd. He approached him and said, "Why did you make a threatening gesture to my servant when you saw him this morning?" "That was not a threatening gesture," said Mr. Death. "It was only a start of surprise. I was astonished to see him in Baghdad, because I have an appointment with him tonight in Samara."

  6. Només la Mort tria el moment i el lloc...per molt que surtis correns, et trobarà ! ;)
    Una bona llegenda, Sean !!.

  7. Ha, glad you enjoyed, Artur, and that you let me know. Thank you.

  8. Camina amiga d’ales negres,
    veïna de tots els moments,
    companya silent
    dels meus mots perduts.
    Camina per davant
    que jo aniré seguint els teus passos,
    tant de temps com pugui
    sense perdre’t de vista
    però no tant a prop
    com per tocar-nos un altre cop.
